Let's make this year different from all the previous years. Let's end this year with a lot of our goals and dreams accomplished and as a way better person then how we entered this year.
As I've mentioned in a previous post, I'm really excited about this year, I'm ready to work hard on achieving my goals and seeing my life change. It's all because of changing my mindset, this time it won't stay at a change of mindset only, but I will work on achieving my goals as well.
I didn't accomplish any goals I'd set for 2016, but my eyes have opened in a lot of area's of my life, and on the decisions I'd made in life that got me where I am right now.
And let me tell you, I'm not even near where I want to be in life at this moment, but I know I will get there.
I'd lack motivation to do anything in life because my life wasn't how I wanted it to be. And don't get me wrong, I had the mindset, I educated myself on how I had to do the things I needed to do to accomplish my goals, I was at the start of completing some of my biggest goals in life. But I'd fallen in a depression and started to believe that my goals were out of reach.

It's only because I always had this feeling deep inside of me, that knew there's more in life for me, that I shouldn't give up on my dreams. The only one that can make a change in my life is ME, so I need to start and take steps towards recreating my life.

I've always written down my goals in life, it's something I started to do at an early age. Over the last couple of years I still wrote down my goals, but I didn't follow up on them. This year will be different. I've set my goals for these years, I broke it down in a 5 year goal, a 1 year goal, and then in my weekly goals. Every week I write down the goals I have to accomplish to come closer to achieving my 1 year goals. Based on my weekly goals I can plan what I have to do every day to achieve my goals.
It's important to write down your goals and break it down in steps on how to achieve them. This will keep you motivated and determined to get you where you want to be in life, to work harder towards your goals and it will also keep your mind focus on why you're doing this
So I challenge you to set some goals for yourself this year and to work daily on achieving them.
Get out of your comfort zone and recreate your life so you can do what you desire to do in life.
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