Friday, July 29, 2016

Prepare to quit smoking

My plan is to quit smoking cold turkey!! I know for me this is the best way to go about it.
When I set my quit date I have to be prepared, my mind has to be in the right place. Because it's my thoughts I have to fight against the most. It's my mind that goes crazy if I don't have a cigarette.
So I have to be prepared when the day comes to quit.

I'm going to read a book to prepare myself mentally on quit smoking. I've read this book a couple of years ago and it was a real eye-opener. The book is written in dutch and the title is ;'Nederland stopt met roken'. The writers of this book are Pauline Dekker & Wanda de Kanter, they are pulmonologist of profession.

I find this a very good book that explains a lot about smoking, not only the addiction part or the diseases you get from smoking, but also the business side of the smoking industry.

So much failure you go through before you get rid of these cigarettes. When you start smoking you just inhale it, maybe you cough a little here and there, maybe you get a little dizzy but that's it. But it's the quitting part that's the hardest and it can even take years before you finally live a smoke-free life.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Welcome to my smoking journey, or better yet, my quit-smoking journey.
I will give you some brief information about me. As you now know I'm trying to quit smoking, again. Yes, again! I've tried a tons of times, all with no success. So what I'm going to do now is... try again!!  I must beat this 'bad habit'. I refuse to stay a slave to this 'silent killer' for life. So I will keep trying to quit smoking until I succeed.

At the moment I smoke a pack of 22 cigarettes a day, that cost me € 7 every day. I spend € 7 to get myself sick, and to shorten my lifespan. It's ridiculous, I know.mls5 So this time I will give it a different approach. I will blog about it. Stay tuned!