Going through this for all these years can make it hard for anyone to abandon their "buddy".
But in reality, cigarettes are your biggest enemy. they are killing you slowly with each puff you take.
A lot of people are oblivious about the dangers of smoking, it's not that they don't know what smoking can do to them, they just don't want to believe what it actually does to you.
It's hard for a lot of smokers to believe that smoking can cause all these kind of diseases that can kill you, especially if you see a lot of smokers walking around looking just fine and healthy.
But do you realize that people who are really sick due to smoking, a lot of time don't come outside, so you rarely see them.
Let's get deeper into the reality of what smoking can do to your health.
- First of all, smoking makes you addicted to it, even if you think you're not... I'm sorry... you are. And it's not only those who smoke heavily that are addicted, also if you smoke one cigarette a day or only on the weekends, you're still addicted. It's the nicotine in a cigarette that makes you addicted. When you inhale the nicotine you breathe it in through your lungs. Nicotine gets absorbed into your blood and brought to your brains within 10 seconds. And it's when the nicotine hit your brains, you get that good feeling from smoking.
- Lung cancer. Smoking cigarettes is the number one risk factor of getting lung cancer.
- COPD ( Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary diseases) which include Chronic bronchitis and Lung emphysema. Having COPD makes it hard to breathe, it will cause long term disability and an early death
- Heart diseases. Due to smoking you can get less blood and oxygen flow to your heart this can cause blockages an narrowing in your arteries. This could eventually cause a stroke that can leave you paralyzed, having an altered brain function or death.
- Mouth diseases, a lot of smokers suffers from bad mouth hygiene. Smoking can also lead to mouth- and throat cancer. Wounds, soars and infections in your mouth will heal in a slower process due to smoking.
Smoking is deadly, don't deceive yourself by thinking it's not.
This is just a small list of what can happen to your body if you keep smoking cigarettes.
Don't buy the illusion of smoking... If you never started smoking, do yourself a favor, and don't!!
And if you're still a smoker, join me on this journey of life, and quit those awful, nasty cigarettes.
You can do it!!
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