It's time to get motivated! Life is passing you by and maybe you didn't achieved anything you set out to do at the beginning of this year. Do you even remember where you left your 'goal list'.
If you still have your list, I want you to read it and see if you have achieved any of your goals written on your list. If not, don't worry, you are still alive and that's great, because it means you can start today by achieving any of your goals.
If you have achieved your goals or at least some of it, maybe this article can give you a little boost by being a little bit more motivated.
With anything you want to start in life, you first have to be motivated to take the first steps.
For a lot of people, me included, it can be hard to motivate yourself and start doing the things that needs to be done, in order to get where you want to be in life.
Once you see days, months & years passing by and you're stuck in one place, it's time to change. The first thing that needs to change is YOU, So.....
First of, know that change lies in YOU, this is really important. You have to know & realize that it's YOU that needs to change, everything you want in life YOU have to really want it to make the sacrifices you need to take to get there. Once you make a choice to change and take the steps to get there, you already made the first and most important decision, from now on you'll see a lot of changes happen in your life if you stick to your decision to change.
Now that we've got the first step out of the way let's start by feeding your mind with motivational speeches. It's important to switch your mindset into the right direction & have a clear mind on what you want. Everything starts in your mind, if you can think it you can achieve it and this is so true.
Listen to motivational video's of different speakers such as Les Brow, Eric Thomas, Jim Rohn and many more.
Click Here to see a motivational video.
Read books, by reading books you will expand your knowledge and your vision in your life. Reading on other people their success story will give you a different take on your own vision to success and it let you know that it's possible. Many of us start in a position that looks impossible to get where you want to be, but by reading and seeing other people that started in the same position as you or even worse, you realize that maybe your dream isn't that far fetched as you thought it would be.
Time For Self
You have to have a routine either in the morning or at night, where you take some time for yourself, in this space of time, you will do things for yourself that will keep your mind clear, so you can be motivated to progress towards your goals. You can read a book or a Bible, maybe you will use this time to pray, or to write in your journal. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as it is something that you love to do and you feel completely relaxed.
Plan Your Days
It's all fun to have some motivation but you need to turn it into action to get something out of it.
So it's time to plan your days, the best time to do this is the night before, write out the things that needs to be done for the following day & try to stick to it. Don't get discourage if you don't accomplish everything you wrote down to do, the more you do it, the more it will become like second nature and you will accomplish more on a daily. This alone will get you more motivated and that's exactly what we need...More motivation!