Saturday, December 29, 2018

Let's Get Some Knowledge

With all the technology we have nowadays, many people don't like to read anymore, I mean really pick out a book and actually sit down & read it.
We have such a busy life that there is no time to sit down & read, and why would you? If you can play games on your phone or watch hours & hours of Netflix series.

However one of the ways to gain knowledge is by reading books, not only will it give you knowledge,  it will also improve your focus &  your concentration. Reading books improves your imagination, your brain, it reduces stress, it builds your vocabulary and so much more.
Who knew reading books could benefit you on so many levels, so what is stopping you, start reading today! Let it be a new year's resolution.

If you're not a reader, the only advice I can give to you is.... Just start! It's not that difficult, if you don't like to read, there are lots of audio-books out there, start with that, eventually you will pick a book and read it for yourself.

If you don't know what kind of books to read, here is a list with a few books to start out with.

Books to Read

The power of Selfdiscipline, No excuses ~ Brian Tracy

The 7 habits of highly effective people ~ Stephen R. Covey

Winners never Cheat Jon M. Huntsman

The subtle art of not giving a fuck ~ Mark Manson

Rich dad, Poor dad Robert Kiyosaki

You are a Badass ~ Jen Sincero

The Samson Syndrome ~ Mark Atteberry

Change your thinking, Change your life ~ Brian Tracy

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