Sunday, December 29, 2019

End Of THe Year Clean Up

Did you do your 'end of the year clean up' already? Or is all that mess just staring at you.
There is nothing better than to start your year with a fresh & clean house without any clutter.

Don't start the new year with the mess of the old year, so make a date with yourself to get rid of all the old garbage, you can even try to get your family involve to help you clean up, what's a part of  their mess also.
It's important to have a house that is clean and organized, not only for your health but also for you to have a peace of mind. A lot of people don't realize that the more mess you have in your house, the more mess you have in your mind. You will not have a peace of mind living in a pigsty, so just start clean up your house and don't complain about it.

Now that you are about to start you need some kind of system to go about it. My advice to you is that you start in one room, and if you finish that room you go on to the next room until you are completely done.

Once you know what you don't want anymore, you can make the decision to either throw things away, give it away to the Army Salvation or sell it online or at a garage sale.

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