Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year!!

I want to wish you all a Happy New Year.

Let 2019 be the year that you will do the things you always wanted to do, but never did because you were scared, insecure or whatever the case may be. Make sure that this year you will finally do it,
don't let fear hold you back.

Love yourself, don't let people walk all over you  anymore, don't give yourself all the way if you don't receive the same from others. Make yourself a priority this year, don't let others make decisions for you or have the control over you. This life is yours, so start living your life and make the best of it.

Have fun, make memories with your family, friends & loved ones. Be thankful & grateful for what you have in your life and enjoy it.
I want you to do better for yourself this year! Live your life, it's yours and nobody else's.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Let's Get Some Knowledge

With all the technology we have nowadays, many people don't like to read anymore, I mean really pick out a book and actually sit down & read it.
We have such a busy life that there is no time to sit down & read, and why would you? If you can play games on your phone or watch hours & hours of Netflix series.

However one of the ways to gain knowledge is by reading books, not only will it give you knowledge,  it will also improve your focus &  your concentration. Reading books improves your imagination, your brain, it reduces stress, it builds your vocabulary and so much more.
Who knew reading books could benefit you on so many levels, so what is stopping you, start reading today! Let it be a new year's resolution.

If you're not a reader, the only advice I can give to you is.... Just start! It's not that difficult, if you don't like to read, there are lots of audio-books out there, start with that, eventually you will pick a book and read it for yourself.

If you don't know what kind of books to read, here is a list with a few books to start out with.

Books to Read

The power of Selfdiscipline, No excuses ~ Brian Tracy

The 7 habits of highly effective people ~ Stephen R. Covey

Winners never Cheat Jon M. Huntsman

The subtle art of not giving a fuck ~ Mark Manson

Rich dad, Poor dad Robert Kiyosaki

You are a Badass ~ Jen Sincero

The Samson Syndrome ~ Mark Atteberry

Change your thinking, Change your life ~ Brian Tracy

Friday, December 14, 2018

The Last Month Of 2018

Wow!! This year went by so fast, I still can't believe that 2018 is almost over, its like every year passes by faster than the year before.

For me this is a time to sit down and look back at what I've done and what I've learned this year & also what I can do better the next year.

By taking time and reflect back on this passing year, you can see your improvement or the lack of in all area's of your life and come up with different ways to change it.
For the last couple of years I have been doing this and I really see how it has change me as a person, but also how it has change my life.

What has 2018 brought you so far

  • Get yourself a notebook, or do it on your laptop, but I suggest you get yourself a new notebook so you can use it as a journal for the rest of the new year. 

  • Take some quiet time for yourself, make sure you have at least an hour or more to sit down in peace with no distraction. Turn off your phone and everything around you that might distract you. Pick a comfortable seat, or your favorite spot on the sofa and make sure you have everything you need, so you don't have to get up. 

  • On the first page of your journal. or blank sheet. you gonna write about this year. Write down in your own words what you have learned and what you have achieved this year. Also write down the problems you had to face and how you solved them, you get your best learning moments in times of misery. I think it's important for yourself and for your self growth to look back at where you were at the beginning of this year, where you are now at the end of it & what you can do to change it for the better the next year. 

  • Now that you wrote down your milestones & your lessons learned of this year. Take a new page and write down what you want to accomplish for this upcoming year, the person you want to become and what you need to do to get there. Write down 3 goals for every area in your life, your mental,  your psychical, your financial, your family & your spiritual life. And what you need to do to accomplish your goals. 

Now that you had your time to reflect back on 2018 & wrote down your new goals for 2019. Don't forget to spend these last days of 2018 with your family & friends, enjoy your time, have fun and make some great memories.