Friday, December 16, 2016

Looking B@ck On 20!6

To write down my goals for 2017, I need to look back on 2016. What I did and did'nt do to accomplish my goals. And needles to say, I did'nt work on my goals, the only working on my goals I did was writing it down on paper. Days are passing by, and I only got high and wasted all my time and invested a lot of money in nothing, cause at the end of the day, I was spending my money and time on blowing out smoke. I started with a lot of things but did not finished them. And in the process of being high or smoking a cigarette I was really convinced that I was working on my goals.

Feeling high brings you in an illusion. You think you are working on your goals and going forward in life. Instead you're standing still at the same place or  taking steps backwards. In your mind you are working hard on realizing your goals and dreams but in reality you're not.
But instead of crying about it, it's time to make different decisions to get different and better results.

As always, near the end of the year I start to look what I've accomplished over the year and write down my goals for the next year.  This year I came across another way to do it. It's called the 'One
Page Business Plan' by Patrick Bet-David. I recommend you to watch his YouTube video, he goes into detail how to write a good business plan, and you can use it in all area's for your life, click this link to watch his video

Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Last Month Of The Year


Afbeeldingsresultaat voor last month of the year

We're in the last month of 2016. This year went by so fast, I can't believe we're almost at the end of the year. And yes, I'm still smoking both weed and cigarettes.... and yes I still want to quit this nasty habit. As you can see, I'm still struggling with this bad habit... addiction... or whatever you want to call it.

It really is difficult for me, every time I was on the right path not to buy anything anymore, the urge to smoke made me bought some more supplies to feed the addiction.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor positive mindsetSo the last couple of weeks I started to focus on changing my mindset and working on my goals. I want to get the best out of the last month of this year.
I'm reading more books about area's I want to develop myself in, I'm working on bettering myself and I'm implementing the things that I've learned immediately on my life. I have goals that are sitting over ten years in my head, that I've written down over the years, but still haven't accomplish, let alone work on it.
And there is one thing I don't want, and that's to have regret when I'm older, and it's too late to accomplish anything in life.


Afbeeldingsresultaat voor positive mindset