I have realized along the way that smoking and the danger of it is not the only thing we should focus on, but that every aspect in our lives need some work on to improve ourselves, because before we know it in just one smoke our life is over,
This life- journey we are living is an adventure, and every one has its own path to travel.
A quote that I've read a couple of days ago is this one,
`Life is not about finding yourself, Life is about creating yourself'
If you really think about it, this quote is telling you the truth.
You can not go search somewhere to find yourself if you were never here before.
It wasn't like you had already existed and once you were born, suddenly you have lost yourself and now your life purpose is to find yourself.
The quote 'Life is about finding yourself' is really a quote that keeps you stuck in life, because now all of a sudden you think that you were hidden somewhere and you have to do particular steps to find the real you, the only problem is you don't know where to start or what steps to take because you were never here.
Life is really about creating yourself so don't hold back, let this adventure called 'life' be one that you will appreciate, make your own decisions and be bold about them because this is one adventure that you can't do over.
Create your life the way you want it to be, do the things you want to do and be you! As this is life, you will go through some hardships and setbacks, because life isn't fair. But never let that be a reason for you to stop creating your life the way you want, just remember that these are life lessons you get along the way of your adventure and you need them to learn how to go through them. It's up to you if you will let hardship and setbacks break you or make something for the better out of it.
Ooh, and one more thing this is your journey, it's your adventure, don't let others tell you, how to fill in the blank sheets of your 'book'. Don't compare your walk in your journey and the pace of it to other's.
The less you worry about what other people think of you, or how 'successful' they are and you're not, the happier you will be and not only that, now you can create your life, live your life and really enjoy it.
Please don't try to impress other people who may be in the same or worse position in life as you are.
Let That be your focus this week and the rest of your life, start today with creating the life you want and make sure whatever you decide to do it's legal.