Monday, January 14, 2019

21 Day Challenge

 We are fresh in 2019 and already half-way through January. At the looks at how time is passing us by, it can only mean one thing! Don't lie around and be lazy but start today and grind towards your goals.

Let the end of 2019 be better than how you entered it, and the only way you can achieve this is for you to work hard to get closer to your goals, and the sooner you start the sooner you'll get there. So start today & don't let 3 months pass you by because you need to recover from last year.

To keep you focused and motivated on your goals it's a good idea to start a 21-day challenge. 
With this challenge I need you to do the little things that are required for you to reach your bigger goals.

So for example; You want to quit smoking but you have a hard time doing it, instead of quitting for 21 days you do the steps that will eventually get you to quit smoking. So for 21 days instead of starting your morning with a cigarette, you smoke your first cigarette 2 hours after you wake up, you don't smoke right after your meal but you wait 1 hour. You'll keep adding little things to the list to remove yourself from smoking.

Another example, you love to drink soda and that's the only thing you drink, but you want to drink more water. Instead of quit drinking soda & only drink water for 21 days, you drink a cup of water after every cup of soda.


Before you start writing down your list of goals you want to challenge yourself with, I want you to answer these three questions below & keep the answers somewhere you can read it every day. This way you'll remind yourself on why you need to keep going forward.

How do you want to see yourself after the challenge is over?    

Your imaginary is very important if you want to accomplish your dreams, you may think it's not, but it is. The bigger your imaginary the bigger your dreams. Your visions & imaginary will drive you subconsciously to work harder towards your goals. So never shutdown your dreams & visions but work on them to one day make them a reality.


Why do you want to challenge yourself?

Why is it so important to you to challenge yourself for 21 days or more? What do you want to accomplish in your life that is so important that you need to do this. You need to know for yourself why you want to challenge yourself for 21 days, so that the will to give up will be smaller and the will to keep moving forward will be greater.

What is your reason that you need to stick to the 21-day challenge?

There will come days that you will talk yourself into getting out of all the 'little' things you need to do to reach your bigger goal. Those small task will seem unimportant to do and at a point in time you'll think you are crazy to even keep doing it. In this time you really need to know what your biggest reason is, for you not to give up. So you need to print this in your mind. 

To keep your mind focused it is important for you to submit your mind & your body to the things you want it to do or to think so you can achieve your dreams.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Don't Procrastinate, But Activate

The first week of 2019 has already passed. How is your mindset doing, are you still feeling motivated & excited to go after the goals you set out to do, or are you already procrastinating.
Don't let procrastination be the start of your year.
We already declared that this year will be better than the year before, so if you didn't have perseverance already, you need a lot of it this year. No matter what you do, keep persevere, work hard & keep going at it. Let perseverance be the keyword for you this year.

Just make a promise to yourself that you will keep working towards your goals, no matter what obstacles may appear in front of you, just keep going.
Don't have a mindset like, 'its just another day' because this can be your downfall, once you think like this you will stay stuck in life, a decade will pass you by with you in the same position and the same life style as you had at the beginning of that decade.

Let this post be a booster for you to get up and go do the things you need to do to get a step closer towards your goals. Don't let this year pass you by and you are not taking any effort to better yourself & your environment.
If you want to lose weight or have a more healthy lifestyle, you want to quit smoking or start your own business start today and keep going even when it gets hard and you don't want to do it anymore or you don't see any benefit at that moment.