Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Facts About Smoking

# Fact 1

Nicotine was named after the French ambassador, Jean Nicot. In the middle of the 16th century Jean Nicot was the first to bring tobacco to France. He introduced it and distributed it as a medicine. He brought it to help queen Catharin de 'Medici of her headache.


# Fact 2

The ash remains in your lungs. Recent studies have shown that after two years of smoking up to 10 cigarettes a day, there will remain about 2 kg of ash residues in the body.


# Fact 3

The first efforts to ban smoking started in the 1600s. King James tried to ban smoking around 1604, he saw it as the cause of laziness and moral laxness, he imposed a 4,000 percent tax hike on tobacco. The patriarch of Moscow was one of the first to ban smoking in 1634, if people would violate this order they would get whipped.


# Fact 4

At birth, Pablo Picasso was considered stillborn by the midwife. The midwife left him on a table to help his mother, it was the doctor named Don Salvador, who was his uncle, that saved him. In that time it was normal for doctors to smoke cigars, when his uncle saw him lying on the table, he blew some smoke in his face, this made Pablo react.


# Fact 5

The first one's to discover tobacco were the native people of Mesoamerica and South America.
Tobacco was used in religious rituals, they saw it as something sacred. The smoke of tobacco was food for the spirits, tobacco smoke was seen as carrying one's thoughts and prayers to the spirits. To this day people still use tobacco in religious rituals.


# Fact 6

Tobacco is an unregulated commodity. This put the tobacco industry in a position that they can put anything they like into their products.


# Fact 7

In just one hookah tobacco smoking session, you inhale 25 times more tar then smoking one cigarette


# Fact 8

Urea is the main ingredient in urine. Tobacco companies use urea and add this to their cigarettes, this is to enhance the flavour of their cigarettes, that you are smoking.


# Fact 9

Smoking cigarettes causes damage in minutes, not in years. Just one single cigarette contains over more than 4,800 chemicals, 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer. Secondhand smoke contains over 7000 chemicals, 70 of these chemicals cause cancer.


# Fact 10


The level of smoking is higher among people who live below the poverty line and those who are poorly educated.


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Cigarettes Are Poison

Seeing people smoke cigarettes has become a very normal and accepted sight into our society. But in reality cigarettes are very dangerous for your health, it's a very addictive & poisoness drug. The only reason it's accepted in society is because you won't see the damage it does to your health immediately, instead it will kill you slowly. Most people don't even believe the pictures they see on packs of cigarettes are real, but they are very real.

There are many different tobacco companies producing cigarettes all over the world, don't forget about the cigarettes coming from 'black markets' that end up in your local stores. They can put anything in your cigarette without you even knowing it.. And over the last years it's like cigarettes have become more addictive, and why wouldn't these companies put extra 'stuff ' in their cigarettes for you to get addicted to it. If  people become more addicted to cigarettes, they will  have to keep spending their money on it,  and this will keep these companies getting richer.

Let's be real, the only thing they care about is getting their money. Just think about how evil it is to willingly make a product that makes people addicted to it and eventually make them very sick & most likely die from it. And yes you can say, it's the smoker's choice, they decided to smoke.
But don't get it twisted, a lot of smokers start at a young age, their mind isn't capable to understand what a true addiction is and how severe it can be. You can't even comprehend how addictive this product is and how it will brainwash you.

You might get hit by a bus tomorrow and die, yes you might had an aunt or an uncle who smoked a pack a day till their 80th, but that doesn't mean smoking won't kill you. Maybe if your aunt/uncle didn't smoked they could've reach 90 years. Don't say these stupid things to yourself as a excuse to continue smoking. Why willingly poison yourself slowly to death, you should rather start love and appreciate yourself.

Some of the substances  a cigarettes contains

✴Benzene :
Is a carcinogenic substance, it plays a big part in the development of leukemia and in the changes of the chromosomes in your body.

✴ Nicotine:
Is the addictive substance you find in cigarettes, a nicotine free cigarette does contains carcinogenic substances, but it isn't addictive. Cigarettes without nicotine will not benefit the tobacco industry. If you don't get addicted to their product, they won't be millionaires.

✴ Ammonia:
By adding ammonia to cigarettes it will be absorbed faster in the blood. Ammonia is also being used in explosives, disinfectants and in cleaning products.

✴ Arsenic :
Is a strong carcinogenic poison, it causes damage to your DNA, infertility problems & irritation in the airways. Arsenic is also being used in ant bait products.
Symptoms of acute arsenic poison are burning lips, a smelly breath, vomiting and eventually it can lead to death.

✴ Lead :
Is a heavy metal that's very toxic. Lead being used in cigarettes can lead to brain damage and dementia. Lead is also being used in hair dye.

✴ Cadmium :
A heavy metal which is also extremely toxic. You can find this heavy metal in (car-) batteries.
Cadmium builds up on the kidney's & bones that lead to kidney problems & osteoporosis. Cadmium is one of the substances in cigarettes that cause lung cancer.

✴ Xylene :  
Is a substance that's not allowed in markers anymore due to it being carcinogenic. But you can find it in tobacco smoke tho'.

This is just a very, very small list of substances you can find in a cigarette.
Just think about yourself and your health, love yourself and value yourself.  Your body is a holy temple, start treat it as such.

Monday, April 2, 2018

How To Quit Smoking

Smoking is an awful habit! The moment you smoke you are in disgust with yourself, and as soon as you don't have a cigarette your cravings are so strong there's nothing else you want but just to have another smoke. Seeing this cycle go on and on it seems impossible to quit.
But it's a lie, a big lie that even big smoking companies want you to believe. Quit smoking is easy and very possible, once you quit you'll say why did I wait for so long to quit.

Here are some tips if you're considering quitting.


1. Change Your mindset

Before you quit smoking it's important to change your way of thinking.
The way you think about yourself and the way you think about your smoking habit is key. A lot of smokers have a stuck mindset about how they perceive their smoking addiction, they either don't see it as an addiction at all and say 'I smoke because I like it & it helps me reliefs stress & anxiety'. or they will say 'I can't quit, it's too hard, I need to smoke to go through my day'. This is all lies!! But as long as you don't see it, you will not quit!

You have to know how powerful your mind is and that every step you take or decision you make in life starts in your mind. Start listening to motivational audio that not only learns you how to think positive but also how your mind & your brains works and how your way of thinking influence the choices you make in life. Read books and learn about how an addiction works knowledge is power. Everything you've learned in your life you can unlearn.

2. Change your daily routine

Smoking has become a part of your life & in a way smoking has become your life, at least this is how your mind perceive it after all those years of smoking. So it's important to start changing your daily routine as of today! Why? You'll have to replace your smoking time with something else.
Once you change your daily routine and stick to it, there will come a time that smoking won't fit in your lifestyle anymore. For example if the first thing you do in the morning is light up a cigarette, then from now on wait one hour before you start smoking. Remind yourself that once you are a non-smoker, smoking isn't the first thing you do in the morning, so you might as well get used to it.
Learn how you react & deal with the cravings. Start reading books, exercise, set new goals in life to pursuit.

3. Change your eating habits

It's important to work on your eating habits while you're still a smoker instead of waiting till your quit date. Smoking reduces hunger that's why smokers usually have a unhealthy diet. They skip meals, eat fast food or  a lot of take-away. As a smoker you may have to force yourself to eat regularly during the day. Instead of starting your day with a smoke, from now on start your day with a nice breakfast if that's too much eat some fruits in the morning and during the day, drink lots of water, or (green) tea & try out new healthy meals.


4. Decide how you will quit smoking

There are different methods on how to quit smoking. You can use nicotine patches, nicotine gum, mouth spray. You can get a prescription from your doctor for medication there is Champix, Zyban (Bupropion) and Notrilen (Notryptiline).
Also you can go the alternative route and try hypnosis, acupuncture and other methods that's out there. The most used and effective method people use to quit is 'The cold turkey method'.

It's important to get yourself educated about what you use & get the right information on how to use the product if you decide to quit with the help of it.

5. Set a quit date

Once you did the 4 steps above it's time to make a firm decision and set a quit date, don't let this sentence scare you. Do this and don't look back when that day arrive. The choice to quit is up to you! Once you know it's your decision to smoke or not, you will see how strong you really are and that you are in control of your life & not those big smoking companies that are getting richer on your downfall, but that's a whole other story.
We will not purposely poison ourselves anymore for their riches, just think about it!! Don't allow it to yourself.

6. maintain your smoke free life.

Now it's up to you to maintain your smoke free life. Know that cravings can come back for just a moment, but know how you will deal with these cravings. When they attack, stay ready to attack back and win this war!